Hookers,Rum and Cocaine


I sent a note about a month ago just checking in to see what might be happening with the case. Perhaps you have been on vacation so I will try again. I have never retained a lawyer before so please excuse me if I do not understand the rules. If you have absconded with the retainer to Costa Rica please send me a note and I will be on the first plane to share the hookers, rum and cocaine.

So far, I have had two of my four cars inspected leaving me about six weeks to decide what to do about my remaining taxis. To obey the regulation will cost about 1000.00 per vehicle and I will be the only cab company in town to do so.I am just looking for advice from you on whether I should comply with the city codes or ignore them until the matter has been settled.

I will be selling one of my vans as there is just no way, I can even try to find a driver during what are going to be our weakest months August and September and October. It will pick up after that, but my commercial taxi insurance will need to be renewed on February 12th 2020.I may have to make some hard choices if this lawsuit fails to gain traction.

I am a wee bit curious if there has been any progress made, for a variety of reasons one being whether I should continue the business until January or am I in a war I cannot win. The other is that I think I also have another lawsuit against a car dealership; however, I am not able to battle the enemy on two different fronts at the same time. Thank you for your guidance in advance. It has only been seven months and you told me it would take a year.

After re-reading your original emails they say 12 to 18 months so I will not bother you but instead just post this on my blog. I will revisit this in 2020 and perhaps you will be able to address my concerns then and guide me on a course of action.

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